Dargah Name : Nabi ( Prophet ) Hazrat Syedina Imran Alaihis-salatus-salaam
City : Salalah ( Main City )
Country : Sultanate of Oman.
From the Dargah Shareef of Nabi Hazrath Imran Alaihis-salatus-salaam, a few kilometres from here one can visit the Camel Spot which is very famous in this area.
The Female Camel of Prophet Hazrat Syedina Saleh Aliahis-salatus-salaam which was killed badly by disbelievers of Hazrat Syedina Saleh Aliahis-salatus-salaam.
The Sacred Female Camel of Prophet Saleh (AS) Which was send from Heaven :-
There is another spot close to the tomb,
it has a rock containing the footprint's of Prophet Saleh's [PBUH] camel before it was killed.
it has a rock containing the footprint's of Prophet Saleh's [PBUH] camel before it was killed.
Prophet Saleh or Salih [PBUH] was known for his wisdom, purity and goodness and had been greatly respected by his people before Allah's revelation came to him. Most of them did not believe him and tried to put him off by asking him to perform a miracle if he was a true messenger of God ( Allah ). It was to let a unique she camel issue from the mountains. The almighty granted him this miracle and a huge, unique, she camel appeared from the direction of the mountain. Yet most of them didn't believe in him. They started plotting to kill the camel. Three days after they finally killed it against the Prophet's warning, a severe earthquake destroyed the entire city and its habitants. Those who believed in the message of Saleh (PBUH), were saved because they had left the place. The story finds a mention in the Qur'an as well.